[OWASP-PORTAL] Chapter Meetings
Mark Curphey
2004-06-28 14:33:06 UTC
After the runaway success of the OWASP conference I think it seems like
a great time to get on with the local chapters. If we have anyone with
any reasonable XML experience, it would take them a few hours to build a
place on the web site where every chapter can edit there own schedules,
locations etc. If we can find someone to do this today / tomorrow, I
think we should be able to approve chapter meeting notices on webappsec
as early as next week. Any volunteers ?

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Mark Curphey
2004-06-30 19:07:41 UTC
Thanks Charles. Ill send instructions in a second as they contain info
on build server locations etc. You can work with
owasp-portal at lists.sourceforge.net if you get stuck. I guess one landing
page for owasp.org/chapters and then individuals off or something will
be great. Whatever you think is best.


From: Burke, Charles [mailto:Charles_Burke at HomeDepot.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 2:56 PM
To: Mark Curphey
Subject: RE: [Owasp-chapters] Chapter Meetings

Hello Mark

I will volunteer to edit the XML if I can get my user account reset.

I cannot access the administrator section.

Charles Burke

OWASP Atlanta Chapter

-----Original Message-----
From: owasp-chapters-admin at lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:owasp-chapters-admin at lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 2:46 PM
To: owasp-chapters at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [Owasp-chapters] Chapter Meetings

Lots of people wanting to run chapters but no one with a few
hours to edit some XML eh ;-)


From: Mark Curphey
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 10:33 AM
To: owasp-chapters at lists.sourceforge.net
Cc: owasp-portal at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Owasp-chapters] Chapter Meetings

After the runaway success of the OWASP conference I think it
seems like a great time to get on with the local chapters. If we have
anyone with any reasonable XML experience, it would take them a few
hours to build a place on the web site where every chapter can edit
there own schedules, locations etc. If we can find someone to do this
today / tomorrow, I think we should be able to approve chapter meeting
notices on webappsec as early as next week. Any volunteers ?

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