No subject
2006-11-01 18:35:18 UTC
processing, and runs as a Servlet.

I'd imagine you want to use Tomcat? (We also have Jetty and Jetty/JBoss

I don't see any problems with that setup. In fact, it looks fine.

FWIW: We can set it up so that you run with Apache and mod_jk2 or with your
requests going direct to the Servlet container (simpler to set up).

Let me know if you had any other questions, otherwise I'll look forward to
your order!

Regards, Peter
-----Original Message-----
From: support at rimuhosting.com [mailto:support at rimuhosting.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2003 4:30 PM
To: support at rimuhosting.com
Subject: rh support ticket: Hosting

We are the Open Web Application Security Project and are looking to find
hosting and move our domain to a new provider. Our portal code we have built
is at http://beta.owasp.org. We are really looking at 2 VM's on plan B.
Given the documentation we have for oPortal code, and the requirements, do
you see any issues ? We dont but wanted to check.
2006-11-01 18:35:18 UTC
Then I tried to build something with the build.xml file present in this=

Here, I 've got a little question : from this project we can build the=

owasp guide. Is it necessary for the portal ?

Then I've understood that the main target to use for me is "all-light" =
: is
correct ?

To do this I needed to make some modifications to the buid files :

1) add app.name in build.properties
2) need to comment taskdef tags (I use eclipse and ant is integrated)
3) need to comment cvs tasks (I work on a notebook so I cvs the project=
time then disconnect from the net)
4) need to comment auto-gen (access to oasis site ???)
5) ${owasp.home} is used in the struts-config task as an argument to th=
=3D=3D=3D> looking for the struts-config-forward.xml file that is=
not in
the project
some idea ?

Did you had time to organize your work to facilitate "modules"
developpement or making some doc to help in contributing ?

I continue to explore the project, please help me with this
struts-config-forward.xml file.



